Adventurer's Essentials

Exploring the outdoors with your family can be a great way to bond with each other and engage with nature. Before you hit the trails, it is important to make sure you have all the gear and supplies necessary to make your adventure as safe and fun as possible. Check out our list of essentials to get started!


This may seem like a no-brainer, but having a comfortable backpack to carry your supplies in is a must. If you are out with young children, you may end up carrying a bulk of the supplies. Make sure your backpack is durable with support for your back and shoulders. Adjustable straps are a plus, as you can trade-off with members of the group!

Water bottles

Hydrating is the most important thing you can do to keep safe outside. Drinking water reduces the risk of heat-related illness and other ailments associated with outdoor physical activity. Making sure each family member has a full water bottle, as well as extra bottles in a backpack that are also full, is the best way to stay healthy and have fun in nature.


Adventure requires a lot of energy! Make sure your family has access to ample snacks to refuel as you move. Non-perishable, nutrient-dense snacks like trail mix and granola bars are ideal for providing high-energy and filling fuel to your family.

Navigation tools

Always stay on marked trails and keep a map of the trails or area you are exploring. Bring a compass!

First Aid Kit

Accidents happen, make sure you’re prepared! A first aid kit with large and small bandaids and wound wash is ideal for minor scrapes. Bulk up your kit with ice packs, gauze, tweezers, triangular bandages, safety pins, and gloves for more serious injuries. Always call 911 if an injury is severe or life-threatening.

Change of clothes

Slipped and fell in mud? Found a river you want to jump in? Sweat through your shirt and sweater? Always, always have a change of clothes! Damp and dirty clothing is not fun to wear for miles, and can be unsafe in extreme temperatures.

Flashlights and batteries

It is easy to lose track of time when you’re having fun. Pack a flashlight and extra batteries in case you wind up in the dark. 

Garbage bags

Leave nature better than you found it! Wherever you go, there should be no trace you were there. Always have a trash bag to dispose of any snack wrappers, water bottles, and other garbage you accumulate throughout the day. Place the trash bag in an appropriate waste receptacle at the end of your adventures.

Puddle Stompers