Sustainable Switches

Plastic takes millions of years to decompose. When it winds up in our oceans, forests, and other habitats, plastic can be incredibly harmful to wildlife. You and your family can make small switches that have a big impact to reduce plastic waste and leave the planet better than you found it. 

Zip-Loc Alternatives

Zip-Loc bags are simple and fast for packing lunch. However, they are also a single-use plastic that could cause some serious harm to the environment. Keep lunch simple and sustainable with these Zip-Loc alternatives.

Stasher Reusable Silicone Sandwich Bag

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Bee’s Wrap Wax Reusable Sandwich Bags

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Multi-Compartment Stainless Steel Lunchbox

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Cling-Wrap Alternatives

Like Zip-Loc, plastic cling wrap is a super easy fix for food storage. Unfortunately, it is equally as bad for the environment. To solve this, reusable silicon covers and beeswax have become widely available and affordable options.

Food Huggers

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Bee’s Wrap

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Dental Hygiene Alternatives

Did you know your floss has plastic in it? Or that over one billion toothbrushes get discarded annually? Plastic floss and toothbrushes take millions of years to decompose. Switch to an equally affordable, refillable cotton floss or biodegradable bamboo toothbrush to reduce plastic in your oral hygiene routine.

Refillable Cotton Floss

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Bamboo Tooth Brush

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Biodegradable Single-Use Alternatives

Some necessities like trash bags and disposable cutlery cannot be reused. Fortunately, plastic is not the only material used for single-use products on the market. Biodegradable trash bags and cutlery made out of plant matter have become a popular choice to reduce plastic waste.

Compostable Trash Bags

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Compostable Cutlery

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Reusable Produce Bags

You probably never leave the house without reusable grocery bags at this point. But do you still use plastic bags for your produce? Those thin plastic bags at the grocery store can be swapped out for cotton mesh ones that can be used over and over again!

Cotton Mesh Reusable Produce Bag 10 Pack

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Organic Cotton Mesh Produce Bags

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Tea Bag Alternatives

Many tea bags are sealed with plastic-based glue. The fibers a tea bag are made from may contain plastic as well. Use loose-leaf tea and one of the steepers featured here to cut out plastic from your morning brew.

Stainless Steel Tea Ball Infuser

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Fred Koala Tea Infuser

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Plastic-Free Laundry Detergent

The jugs laundry detergent is stored in are typically plastic. Many companies are trying to move away from this packaging. Make your laundry plastic free and just as clean with some of the options linked here!

Dropps Laundry Pods

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Ingredients Matter Laundry Soap

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Extra tips

A lot of plastic products weren’t made to last. From toys to tupperware, cutting out plastic isn’t only better for the environment and your family, but is also a cost-effective investment. When you cannot reduce plastic waste, always look to reusing and recycling plastic. Knowing what kinds of plastic can and cannot be recycled is important for being a conscientious consumer. 

Puddle Stompers